3. Community & Social Inclusion
Socio Economic Statement
To promote social and economic inclusion and reduction of social inequalities, particularly targeting areas and communities in Kerry experiencing social disadvantage, marginalised groups or those at risk of exclusion.
The Community & Social Inclusion theme higher level goals are listed below.
To assist in the development of an action plan in this area of the Local Economic & Community Plan, please insert comments/possible actions in the space provided opposite each listed Higher Level Goal.
If you represent a group/organisation please indicate this in the Comment box below
(It is not necessary to complete all boxes)
Socio Economic Statement
To promote social and economic inclusion and reduction of social inequalities, particularly targeting areas and communities in Kerry experiencing social disadvantage, marginalised groups or those at risk of exclusion.
The Community & Social Inclusion theme higher level goals are listed below.
To assist in the development of an action plan in this area of the Local Economic & Community Plan, please insert comments/possible actions in the space provided opposite each listed Higher Level Goal.
If you represent a group/organisation please indicate this in the Comment box below
(It is not necessary to complete all boxes)
3.1 Social Deprivation
To raise awareness of social deprivation issues in Co Kerry and develop an active multi faceted and multi policy response working with individuals, communities and agencies. 3.2 Education
To provide education opportunities, through the concept of life long learning, by improving access, supporting retention and developing relevant training/skills for current and future job opportunities. |
3.3 Unemployment
To promote access to quality employment for job-seekers, economically inactive and under-employed people. 3.4 Children & Young People
To secure improved outcomes for children & young people including more effective service delivery and better opportunities, by working with them and the appropriate agencies. 3.5 Older People
To promote Kerry as an age-friendly county and strengthen collaboration between statutory agencies and voluntary & community organisations to improve the health, wellbeing, safety and participation of older people. |
3.6 Marginalised communities
To create change through developing participative processes and structures which include and empower marginalised and excluded groups in Co Kerry. 3.7 People with disabilities
To create an environment where people with intellectual and physical disabilities can participate in communities with equal rights to live life to their full potential. 3.8 Social & Community infrastructure
To ensure that appropriate needs based social and community infrastructure is prioritised in creating sustainable communities and a sense of belonging for both new and more established areas throughout the county. 3.9 Regeneration
Support the regeneration of urban & rural areas, through the development of integrated plans, community capacity building and targeting investment to develop vibrant sustainable communities. |
If there is an important goal which in your opinion has been omitted above please specify here, including any Comments /Possible Actions?