County Kerry
Local Economic & Community Plan 2015-2021 (LECP)
The Co Kerry Local Economic & Community Plan
This Local Economic & Community Plan is an integrated plan to guide the development of Co Kerry from an Economic, Community, Cultural, Sporting and Recreation perspective from 2015 to 2021. This plan will be used to focus the role of Local Government, State Agencies, Community Sector, Local Development Groups and other bodies that are involved in the development of County Kerry. This plan is being guided by the Local Community Development Committee in co-operation with the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee of Kerry County Council.
What is the Local Community Development Committee?
‘Putting People First’ is the name of a policy document published in 2012 which outlined the Government’s intention to continue the reform process of Local Government. Changes proposed in this policy were put into legislation by the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
This Act provides for the setting up of a Local Community Development Committee [LCDC] in each Local Authority area to assist co-operation and to focus the work of Local Government, State Agencies, Community Sector, Local Development Groups and other bodies towards the enhancement and development of their county. This committee includes both local authority and non-local authority members. The LCDC’s first major role is the development of a framework or plan which will guide the economic & community development of County Kerry for a period of 6 years.
What is different about the Local Economic and Community Plan?
The Local Economic and Community Plan is a shared vision for Co Kerry.
This plan will be used to focus the role of local government and the various agencies, groups, individuals and stakeholders that engage in the development of County Kerry. The plan will have two main elements or objectives:
The plan is guided by an Advisory Steering Group.
The Local Community Development Committee will oversee and approve the development of the Community Elements of the Plan and the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee will oversee the development of the Economic Elements of the Plan. The entire plan will be approved by the elected members. Each of these committees has representation from various interest groups and members of the public.
Underpinning principles for the LECP
The promotion and mainstreaming of equality
Sustainability – Promoting a more resource efficient, green and more inclusive economy
Maximising Returns by cooperation, collaboration and avoiding duplication
Participative Planning – ensuring meaningful community participation and consultation in the planning process
Community Consultation and Engagement
Community Development Principles – addressing social exclusion and providing supports for the most marginalised
Accessibility and Ownership – written in a straight forward style.
How is this plan being developed?
The development of the Kerry Local Economic and Community Plan has been ongoing for a number of months and Phase 1 is nearing completion. We are now seeking the views of the public on the work to date and to guide the next stage of the plan development.
There are five phases in the development of the LECP as follows:
Local Economic & Community Plan 2015-2021 (LECP)
The Co Kerry Local Economic & Community Plan
This Local Economic & Community Plan is an integrated plan to guide the development of Co Kerry from an Economic, Community, Cultural, Sporting and Recreation perspective from 2015 to 2021. This plan will be used to focus the role of Local Government, State Agencies, Community Sector, Local Development Groups and other bodies that are involved in the development of County Kerry. This plan is being guided by the Local Community Development Committee in co-operation with the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee of Kerry County Council.
What is the Local Community Development Committee?
‘Putting People First’ is the name of a policy document published in 2012 which outlined the Government’s intention to continue the reform process of Local Government. Changes proposed in this policy were put into legislation by the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
This Act provides for the setting up of a Local Community Development Committee [LCDC] in each Local Authority area to assist co-operation and to focus the work of Local Government, State Agencies, Community Sector, Local Development Groups and other bodies towards the enhancement and development of their county. This committee includes both local authority and non-local authority members. The LCDC’s first major role is the development of a framework or plan which will guide the economic & community development of County Kerry for a period of 6 years.
What is different about the Local Economic and Community Plan?
The Local Economic and Community Plan is a shared vision for Co Kerry.
This plan will be used to focus the role of local government and the various agencies, groups, individuals and stakeholders that engage in the development of County Kerry. The plan will have two main elements or objectives:
- The promotion of economic development
- The promotion of local and community development.
The plan is guided by an Advisory Steering Group.
The Local Community Development Committee will oversee and approve the development of the Community Elements of the Plan and the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee will oversee the development of the Economic Elements of the Plan. The entire plan will be approved by the elected members. Each of these committees has representation from various interest groups and members of the public.
Underpinning principles for the LECP
The promotion and mainstreaming of equality
Sustainability – Promoting a more resource efficient, green and more inclusive economy
Maximising Returns by cooperation, collaboration and avoiding duplication
Participative Planning – ensuring meaningful community participation and consultation in the planning process
Community Consultation and Engagement
Community Development Principles – addressing social exclusion and providing supports for the most marginalised
Accessibility and Ownership – written in a straight forward style.
How is this plan being developed?
The development of the Kerry Local Economic and Community Plan has been ongoing for a number of months and Phase 1 is nearing completion. We are now seeking the views of the public on the work to date and to guide the next stage of the plan development.
There are five phases in the development of the LECP as follows:
The Co. Kerry LECP is currently at Phase 1 above. A Draft Framework Consultation Document in relation to the LECP has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders/agencies taking into account relevant national and local policy and research data.
What has happened to date?
The first phase of the local Economic & Community Plan, the preparation of the socio economic profile, has been developed through the in-house research team led by Dr. Noreen O’Mahony & Marguerite Enright. This will be available on as part of the public consultation phase of the plan which is proposed to commence from the 29th of May 2015. Additional research is being undertaken jointly by Brendan O’Keeffe, University of Limerick and David Meredith of Teagasc in relation to “Understanding Change in County Kerry, 1991 – 2011” – Profile of Labour Force, Industry and Education, and the links between deprivation and loss of services.
A socio economic statement and higher levels goals have been developed and approved by the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee and the Local Community Development Committee.
The stakeholder engagement process has also commenced with the jointly hosted event between the IDA and EI “The Kerry Economic Forum”, LCDC workshop and the establishment of the Advisory Steering Group, From these discussions the three interrelated themes were developed.
It is proposed that the socio-economic statement/higher level goals for the county should be developed around these three themes as follows;
Economic Development & Job Creation
To promote a robust and diverse economy, supported by a well-developed education and training model, enabling a sustainable population and vibrant communities throughout the county.
Quality of Life
To promote a high quality of life, based around a clean natural environment, good quality local services, a strong sense of place and culture and meaningful participation in decision making.
Community & Social Inclusion
To promote social and economic inclusion and reduction of social inequalities, particularly targeting areas and communities in Kerry experiencing social disadvantage, marginalised groups or those at risk of exclusion.
The Socio-Economic Statement and higher level goals as presented in this report and as amended by the LCDC and Economic Development and Enterprise SPC will form the basis of the public consultation.
In conjunction with the LECP a Tourism Strategy is being developed for the Co Kerry. A public consultation process has commenced in respect of this strategy.
What is the Public Consultation based on?
A draft framework document has been developed based on what the stakeholders perceive to be the key priorities for the social, community and economic development of the county. The higher level goals have been identified and these have been outlined in this document.
Kerry Local Community Development Committee, together with Kerry County Council are now seeking your views on these key priorities/higher level goals and the actions needed to promote and support economic and community development in Co Kerry over the next six years.
You are invited to participate in this process as an individual citizen or as part of a community, a cultural, sporting/recreation body, as a business, a public body or minority group.
You can make submissions by:
Online Submission
Written Format – a framework Consultation document is available here to download and complete.
Attendance at one of the Community Facilitated Events as follows:
Tralee: Thursday, 4th June at the Integrated Services Centre, Dean’s Lane, Moyderwell, Tralee at 7.30pm (Áras an Pobail)
Listowel: Tuesday, 9th June at Listowel Family Resource Centre, Ballygologue, John B. Keane Road, Listowel at 7.30pm
Killorglin: Thursday, 11th June at the Public Meeting Room, Killorglin Area Services Centre at 7.30pm
Killarney: Thursday, 18th June at Killarney Library, Rock Road, Killarney at 7.30pm
Attendance at one of the Focus Group meetings.
It is important that this is a meaningful and strong plan that reflects the real needs and priorities of the people of Co Kerry so make sure that your views are heard either by attendance at a meeting or by making a submission.
Submissions can be made online and also by email or by post to County Kerry LECP and send to:
Michael Scannell, Chief Officer LCDC, Kerry County Council, Áras Chontae, Tralee.
Email: [email protected]
Closing date for submissions: 30th June 2015
What has happened to date?
The first phase of the local Economic & Community Plan, the preparation of the socio economic profile, has been developed through the in-house research team led by Dr. Noreen O’Mahony & Marguerite Enright. This will be available on as part of the public consultation phase of the plan which is proposed to commence from the 29th of May 2015. Additional research is being undertaken jointly by Brendan O’Keeffe, University of Limerick and David Meredith of Teagasc in relation to “Understanding Change in County Kerry, 1991 – 2011” – Profile of Labour Force, Industry and Education, and the links between deprivation and loss of services.
A socio economic statement and higher levels goals have been developed and approved by the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee and the Local Community Development Committee.
The stakeholder engagement process has also commenced with the jointly hosted event between the IDA and EI “The Kerry Economic Forum”, LCDC workshop and the establishment of the Advisory Steering Group, From these discussions the three interrelated themes were developed.
It is proposed that the socio-economic statement/higher level goals for the county should be developed around these three themes as follows;
Economic Development & Job Creation
To promote a robust and diverse economy, supported by a well-developed education and training model, enabling a sustainable population and vibrant communities throughout the county.
Quality of Life
To promote a high quality of life, based around a clean natural environment, good quality local services, a strong sense of place and culture and meaningful participation in decision making.
Community & Social Inclusion
To promote social and economic inclusion and reduction of social inequalities, particularly targeting areas and communities in Kerry experiencing social disadvantage, marginalised groups or those at risk of exclusion.
The Socio-Economic Statement and higher level goals as presented in this report and as amended by the LCDC and Economic Development and Enterprise SPC will form the basis of the public consultation.
In conjunction with the LECP a Tourism Strategy is being developed for the Co Kerry. A public consultation process has commenced in respect of this strategy.
What is the Public Consultation based on?
A draft framework document has been developed based on what the stakeholders perceive to be the key priorities for the social, community and economic development of the county. The higher level goals have been identified and these have been outlined in this document.
Kerry Local Community Development Committee, together with Kerry County Council are now seeking your views on these key priorities/higher level goals and the actions needed to promote and support economic and community development in Co Kerry over the next six years.
You are invited to participate in this process as an individual citizen or as part of a community, a cultural, sporting/recreation body, as a business, a public body or minority group.
You can make submissions by:
Online Submission
Written Format – a framework Consultation document is available here to download and complete.
Attendance at one of the Community Facilitated Events as follows:
Tralee: Thursday, 4th June at the Integrated Services Centre, Dean’s Lane, Moyderwell, Tralee at 7.30pm (Áras an Pobail)
Listowel: Tuesday, 9th June at Listowel Family Resource Centre, Ballygologue, John B. Keane Road, Listowel at 7.30pm
Killorglin: Thursday, 11th June at the Public Meeting Room, Killorglin Area Services Centre at 7.30pm
Killarney: Thursday, 18th June at Killarney Library, Rock Road, Killarney at 7.30pm
Attendance at one of the Focus Group meetings.
It is important that this is a meaningful and strong plan that reflects the real needs and priorities of the people of Co Kerry so make sure that your views are heard either by attendance at a meeting or by making a submission.
Submissions can be made online and also by email or by post to County Kerry LECP and send to:
Michael Scannell, Chief Officer LCDC, Kerry County Council, Áras Chontae, Tralee.
Email: [email protected]
Closing date for submissions: 30th June 2015