1. Economic Development & Job Creation
Socio Economic Statement
To promote a robust and diverse economy, supported by a well-developed education and training model, enabling a sustainable population and vibrant communities throughout the county.
The Economic Development & Job Creation theme higher level goals are listed below.
To assist in the development of an action plan in this area of the Local Economic & Community Plan, please insert comments/possible actions in the space provided opposite each listed Higher Level Goal.
If you represent a group/organisation please indicate this when inserting a comment in the box below
(It is not necessary to complete all boxes)
Socio Economic Statement
To promote a robust and diverse economy, supported by a well-developed education and training model, enabling a sustainable population and vibrant communities throughout the county.
The Economic Development & Job Creation theme higher level goals are listed below.
To assist in the development of an action plan in this area of the Local Economic & Community Plan, please insert comments/possible actions in the space provided opposite each listed Higher Level Goal.
If you represent a group/organisation please indicate this when inserting a comment in the box below
(It is not necessary to complete all boxes)
1.1 Supporting Existing Business in Kerry
Strengthen existing base – supporting a strong business environment for local business services /Homeworking/Micro enterprise & SMEs. |
1.2 Attracting Investment to Kerry
Support & Develop Workspace Centres for significant FDI & indigenous investment (Tralee/Killarney hub). |
1.3 Maximise Growth Opportunities for Kerry
Identify areas of growth – Tourism, Food, Engineering manufacturing, renewable energy, ICT, Services & Retail, Creative Sector. |
1.4 Diversifying the Kerry Economy
Maximise diversity in economic activity/seasonality/eco-tourism/health tourism. |
1.5 Marketing
Market Brand Kerry/promotion as a location to invest. |
1.6 Skills Development
Target Skills deficit/Matching skills base to economic opportunities. |
1.7 Smart Technology
Develop ICT infrastructure/smart town network. |
1.8 Networking/Collaboration
Promote Networking & collaborative practices between public sector and businesses, businesses & business & business & education to maximise economic activity. |
1.9 Natural Resources
Develop strategies to exploit the natural resources of the county (Forestry & Renewables/Fisheries and Aquaculture/Agriculture/Env & Tourism). |
1.10 Energy
Increase competitiveness of doing business in Kerry by developing initiatives to access low cost energy. |
1.11 Connectivity
Maximise connectivity of the county through investing in communication and transport infrastructure. |
1.12 Social Enterprise
Develop social enterprise to strengthen the fabric of rural communities. |
If there is an important goal which in your opinion has been omitted above please specify here, including any Comments /Possible Actions?